Construction update

Lake Park

March 28, 2022
Words by Eden Living Team

Construction paces ahead.

Stage 1 of Lake Park has made great progress since construction commenced at the start of this year. All interior enclosures and painting for Units 15-19 are now complete. Interior fit-out is underway, which includes cabinetry installation, tiling and electrical services.

Target milestone for this quarter is completed cabinetry installation, which puts our expected project completion date at the end of April 2022.

For stage 2, external cavity systems and roofing for Units 01-14 are complete and we’re now underway with exterior cladding (comprising Integra concrete, Stria and Nuwall.) On the interior, pre-plumb and wiring is complete. Roof flashing install is underway and once completed, interior lining will commence.

Target milestone for stage 2 is finishing exterior cladding, which places our expected project completion date at the end of July 2022.

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1&2— Phase 1 Unit 15-19 interior
enclosure completed.
3— Kitchen cabinetry installed.
4— Unit 5-14 Integra concrete, Nuwall
& Stria being installed.
5— Unit 05-14 Stria & Easylap installed.